Femur (Femoral) Nail

Specifications - Femur (Femoral) Nail

Femur (Femoral) Nail is designed for varied use. A single nail can be used for both right and left standard interlocking procedures. The Femur (Femoral) Nail is available in the most commonly used sizes. These nails range in diameters from 8 mm to 14 mm and lengths from 240 mm to 420 mm.
Closed intramedullary nailing has long been a common method of treating noncomminuted fractures of the femur. The Femur (Femoral) Nail has extended the indications of closed intramedullary nailing to include comminuted fractures, fractures with bone loss, and proximal and distal fractures of the femur.
The multi-point fixation provided by the cross-section of the Femoral Nail makes it appropriate for use unlocked as well as locked in either the dynamic or static mode. It also makes it appropriate for reamed or unreamed applications. The successful use of Femur (Femoral) Nail is technically demanding. Close attention to positioning, reduction, rod placement, and insertion of the proximal and distal locking screws is mandatory.

Sizes and Uses of Femur (Femoral) Nail


Femur (Femoral) Nail is indicated for use in a variety of femoral fractures such as:

  • Comminuted fractures
  • Segmental fractures
  • Fractures with bone loss
  • Proximal and distal fractures
  • Nonunions
  • Subtrochanteric fractures
  • Intertrochanteric fractures